A Guide to Different Percussion Instruments

Percussion instruments have been used for thousands of years to bring rhythm and sound to music. From the traditional drums and cymbals to the more modern marimbas and xylophones, percussion instruments come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you’re looking to explore the world of percussion or just want to add a unique sound to your music, this guide to different percussion instruments will get you started. From the classic djembe to the unique steel drums, you’ll find the perfect instrument that fits your musical style. Discover the history and unique features of each instrument and learn how to bring the rhythm and sound that you’re looking for. So grab your sticks and let’s explore the world of percussion!


The djembe is a West African hand drum that’s been used for centuries. Djembés are made of different materials depending on where in Africa they’re made, but they all have a single hanging bell inside of them. Djembes are set up in a way that allows the player to play multiple rhythms at once, making them a versatile instrument that’s easy to use. The djembe’s sound is made when the player plays a short rhythm on one side of the drum and then uses that hand cymbal to hit the hanging bell inside. The sound is often described as having a metallic quality thanks to the bell.


Bongos are hand drums that were originally used in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. Bongos are now used by a variety of artists in modern music thanks to their soothing sound, but they were originally used in religious rituals and social functions.


Congas are hand drums from South America that have a varied history. The conga is a popular music instrument in many parts of the world, but it was originally played in the Andes and was used in religious ceremonies. Congas are now used in many forms of popular music, but they’re most commonly associated with Latin pop. Congas have a relatively simple construction. They’re made of two rubber or wooden drums that’re connected by a short tube. The two drums are played with their open sides and are hit with the hands, feet, or a mallet. Congas are loud when played loudly and can make a distinctive sound that’s easy to recognize.


Timpani are hand drums that’ve been played in a variety of cultures since the 1500s. They’re often used in conjunction with orchestras and soundtracks to movies and TV shows. Timpani are played with mallets and are tuned differently than typical drums because they’re tuned to a large scale. They’re large, heavy, and can be hard to transport, so they’re rarely seen in large-scale live performances.


The cajon is a hand drum that’s been used in Mexico since the 1800s. It’s most commonly associated with Latin American music, but it’s now also used in a variety of other genres. The cajon is a small box that’s open on one side and has wooden slats inside of it. The cajon can be played by hand or with a mallet and is usually tuned to a key on the side. Cajons are loud, making a distinct sound that’s easy to recognize. They’re loud enough to get the attention of audiences because they’re used only in live shows.


The marimba is a hand-operated gong that’s often confused with the xylophone. It’s a type of gong that’s been used since the 1800s and still appears in orchestras today. The marimba is played with the hands and can create a variety of sounds. Most modern-day marimbas are played with keys, but some are played by hand. The keys can be tuned to various notes depending on the musician or composer. The marimba is loud enough to be heard in large concert halls because it’s pitched differently than traditional drums. It’s also easy to transport because it’s lightweight.


The xylophone is a percussion instrument that’s been used in various forms of music since ancient times. It’s made of wooden bars that are tuned to different notes and played with mallets. The xylophone can make a wide range of sounds, but they’re usually tuned to the same notes as a key on the side. The xylophone is loud enough to be heard in large concert halls because it’s pitched differently than traditional drums. It’s also easy to transport because it’s lightweight.

Steel drums

Steel drums are hand drums that were originally played in Caribbean and Latin American cultures. They’re now used in a variety of popular music genres, but they were originally played in ceremonies and used to accompany dancing. Steel drums have a distinctive sound that’s easy to recognize, but they’re loud enough to be heard in large concert halls because they’re pitched differently than traditional drums. They’re also easy to transport because they’re lightweight.

How to choose the right percussion instrument

Before you decide which percussion instrument to play, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. You’ll likely spend a lot of time practicing and playing your new instrument. If you’re not prepared, it could be very frustrating and time-consuming. Make sure to consider these important factors before making your purchase.

- Sound quality - Make sure you try each instrument to make sure it meets your needs. If you have a specific sound you want to create, make sure to test each one to see if it works for you.

- Traditional use - Some instruments are now played more widely because of their traditional uses. For example, the xylophone is played in orchestras more often than it’s used in traditional music.

- Durability - It’s important to make sure each instrument will last through years of playing. Make sure you test each model and consider the construction material to make sure they’ll hold up.

- Versatility - Try each instrument to make sure you find one that you can use in many different ways. Some percussion instruments might be better suited for certain styles of music, while others can be used in a variety of ways.